How to Cloth Diaper

These are various types over diapers in each video I will show a way to use each diaper. The beauty of Cloth diapering is it can be can be customized to fit each babies needs.

The first video is using an All-in-one, they are the easiest transition into cloth because they are similar to disposables there are no extra parts or steps just put it on and go. Grandma approved ✅ Diaper by @thelittlebeeco

The second video is using a cover with a prefold using one of the many folds you can do with a prefold.


The third is a prefold is a pocket (which can be stuffed) and a liner to catch poop and flush once soiled.

The fourth video is a cloth on the go video, its not hard you can use cloth wipes to clean baby. I made my solution with a mix of castile soap and water. Once you've change baby just store your dirty diapers/wipes in a wet bag.

The fifth video is Naeem helping make a cloth wipe jar

Naeem prepping his cloth wipes, we mixed about 85% water with 15 % Castille soap and added the cloth wipes.

The last video is how we cloth at home.

Hope this helps and if you have any question, comments, etc. please drop a comment below. Thanks peace, love, and blessings!
